Spring Hill Ranches, California - Quarter Horses
David and Karen Grantham would like to welcome you to Spring Hill Ranch; the home of Spur G quarter horses and Master Illusion. We invite you to take the time to look at our breeding program and see why your next world or futurity champion may be raised right here.
Located in scenic Red Bluff, California, our area is a Mecca for working stock horses roping, reining and cutting horses that earn their living working ranches and in the show ring. It takes the right kind of horse, and we raise "the right kind". Our friends like them. I should call them customers but so far they`ve all become friends (that`s one of the benefits of raising good horses!)
We enjoy our friends, our ranch, and our horses. We also enjoy the work it takes for all of them; including some of our friends! So if you`re ever in the area come and visit. We would love to meet you and show off our horses.
Spring Hill Ranch & Spur G Quarter Horses 20300 Cutters Way - Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone: (530) 528-2020 - E-mail: SpringHillRanch@yahoo.com
MASTER ILLUSION - 1991 Bay Quarter Horse Stallion
Spring Hill Ranch and SpurG Quarter Horses would like to introduce our premier stallion, Master Illusion. He is a dark mahogany bay with black legs and tips, four white stockings and striped hooves, a star strip and snip. He has a thick, long mane and tail, and thin skin coat He`s perfect for the show ring. His conformation is flawless. He`s heavily muscled with tremendous hind quarters lots of bone and great feet. They`re big enough to hold up his 15/2 1250 lbs. frame. His head is beautiful with tiny fox ears, big nostrils, and large soft eyes.
This is not a cow "pony", it is a "cow horse" in every sense of the word. Don`t worry about his size; he`ll drag your stirrups in the dirt when he`s cutting (just like the little guys) and sting you with authority! He won`t give an inch to a bovine. Then shake out a loop and go rope that steer because he can jerk a freight train and get you there pronto.

This horse is an athlete, and being so moves with a kind of grace. Spin him like a top or float him along a rail. He`ll almost trot in place with a natural low head set. He does it all with ease. The best part is he`ll work-daylight to dark and be ready for more when you ask tomorrow.
Master Illusion is proving to be an outstanding sire; maybe the best looking son of Master Remedy, winner of $200,000 NCHA and producer of numerous World Champions in reining and cutting. Master Illusion foals are pretty, cowy, extremely smooth, athletic and easy to train. He is out an NCHA money earning dam with the blood lines of Major King, Sugar Bars and World Champion race horse, Pasamonte Paul. He is sought after not only by professional cutters and reiners for his inherent abilities at those sports but by professional calf and team ropers who are breeding their top competition mares to Master Illusion. They like his speed, his bone and his cow. Same with the barrel racers, looking to put a little "MIND" with the speed.
Horses that are worked this hard have to have great conformation and bone in order to survive the stress of competition without breaking down, and the mind to enjoy the work. Master Illusions disposition passes on to his foals, who have shown to be quiet, calm and trainable. I know a retired reiner who wanted to "put some miles" on his granddaughters new Master Illusion filly. He liked her so much he BORROWED her and went back into competition. With Master Illusions` bloodlines it`s no wonder! After watching Master Illusion work and cut, ranchers who really work their spreads have bred their whole broodmare bands to him. They`re still coming back, year after year. We are breeding to top cutting mares across America and soon to Europe and Asia. You`ll be reading about them!
CUTTIN TUCK - 1983 Sorrel Quarter Horse Stallion
Cuttin Tuck is proving to be a great cross on our Master Illusion daughters, that are aimed at the show ring. He is a petite horse but absolutely correct. He has a gorgeous head, wide large eyes, narrow muzzle with large flaring nostrils, tiny fox ears and beautiful throat latch. He has as perfect a head as I`ve seen.

"Tucker" turns around with incredible speed. When he turns back he looks like he`s turning inside out! He is a bright red sorrel, foaled in 1983, with a perfect diamond on his forehead. He`s fine boned at 14.2 hands, though his foals have all been at least 15 hands. Most people mistake him for a two-year-old by his looks and attitude. His looks and athletic ability come naturally through his blood lines, which are the legendary who`s-who of the Quarter Horse industry.
His sire Mr T Tucker was a NRCHA-COA NRCHA-Superior NCHA-money earner by Doc Tom Tucker. Doc Tom Tucker is in the Working Cowhorse Hall Of Fame and a leading sire of cutting and reined cowhorse money earners and is also a leading brood mare sire of reining and reined cowhorse money earners. He has produced 71 ROMs show, 8 superiors, 8 World Champions, 5 COAs NRHA and a NRCHA SBF Champion.
His dam by Reed Cheyenne, 2 Grands , 3 Reserves, World Champion producer, 21 ROM and 4 superiors out of an own daughter of CUTTER BILL NCHA World Champion, AQHA Champion, producer of SBF World Champion.
He has the blood line, looks, conformation and athletic ability to improve all your horses. He`ll definitely cleanup a common head and put some quickness in their moves. Please see the Fees & Shipping page to purchase a breeding by this stallion.
CEE REDONITA - 1999 Red Roan Quarter Horse Stallion
Cee Redonita is a line bred Peppy San stallion. He is a perfectly colored bay roan, from black points and legs to a deep purplish red body. His silver-tipped hair turns him a gun metal silver in the summer. You are immediately struck by his look of balance and power. This is a thick heavily muscled athlete that is quick and strong. He doesn`t look like a tank, he looks like a linebacker. He can move! He has a thin hair coat and long, thick, black mane and tail.

Cee Redonita is by a son of Hall of Fame and World Champion, Peppy San. He is out of an own daughter of Hall of Fame, Peponita, who won 4 World Championships in cutting. Both these sires are World Champion producers. Also Cee Redonitas` dam goes back to Double bid, World Champion Running Horse.
Cee Redonita has shown that he throws consistent foals with big hips, pretty heads and large soft eyes. He, so far, has thrown all roans with good bone and great conformations. This is the perfect cross on your Doc Bar mares. He has been for ours.
Spring Hill Ranches - Broodmares
We`ve spent years selecting the mares for our ranch. We do not necessarily look for the most advertised or most shown horses, but for mares that have the look, conformation and natural abilities needed to produce athletes. These mares were then culled to ones that niched with our stallions and produced the kind of offspring we were looking for; and the kind we think you are looking for. Naturally, many of our mares are from famous bloodlines which are known to pass on their genetic abilities.
We own daughters of :
POCO TIVIO (yes she`s old, but still producing ) out of a daughter by STAR DUSTER out of a daughter of KING 234;
JIGGY BAR, world champion producing son of THREE BARS out of the famous PIGGY WIGGY by PIGGIN STRING x on a grand daughter of GOLD KING BAILEY and COLORADO ROBIN;
NU BAR x on a daughter of HOLLYWOOD GOLD;
NU CASH, world champion cutter by COLONEL FRECKLES x on a mare who goes back to SILVER KING and HOLLYWOOD GOLD;
CHICKALEJOS champion son of DO DO CHICK by TONTO BARS HANK x on a line bred SILVER KING mare;
DOC N WILLY world champion cutter x on WATONGA BLUE and POCO MINOSO;

We have explained the kind of mares we breed, the kind of stallions we have, and now you judge the foals. We`d like to take credit for the great niches we`ve found, but the fact is: God picks them and we just get to raise them. Our breeding program has been 100% successful thus far with our customers, both shipping and live coverage. We work with very experienced veterinarians and collection services to help accomplish this. We have extended our live foal guarantee as far as 6 weeks for customers who have had tragedies at home...(we really do want you to have one of our horses!) From beginning to end we are as excited as you, about your foal and will try hard to make your breeding experience as easy as possible both emotionally and financially. Here at the ranch your mare will be treated as well as ours.
Paints? Master Illusion has produced color with dozens of different mares. The patterns are close or better then the mares. He actually has thrown all color with the exception of one time ( a sorrel w/ 4 white stockings and a blaze)....and we owned the mare! We bred her back to Master Illusion and sold her. At 3:30 a.m. we received a phone call announcing the arrival of the black and white filly at the bottom of the screen. Guess we weren`t destined to raise paints.
We have quality broodmares for sale open or in foal to one of our stallions. We don`t like to negotiate prices because we price them fair and low. Ask about our prices on quarter horse foals!
MASTER ESPECIAL - Gorgeous bright sorrel colt by Master Illusion. Outstanding stallion and futurity prospect. This colt has it all and will excel in reining or cutting. Beautiful mover and blood line. $6,500
NU SUNDAY REMEDY - 2004 bay filly by Master Illusion, out of a own daughter of Nu Bar. This pretty filly has it all: temperament, bone and conformation. Ready to start cutting training. SOLD to Wayne Minton of Red Bluff, California
2006 BUCKSKIN COLT - 2006 weanling buckskin colt by Cee Redonita, out of Conejos Nina (1/2 sister to stallion). A line-bred Peppy San stallion prospect with great color, breeding and conformation. (Photo at 1 week) SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, Arizona
NU CASH REMEDY - 2001 black mare. 3 in 1 package. This mare is by Master Illusion, out of an own daughter of World Champion Nu Cash. Her weanling filly is by Cuttin Tuck and she is bred back to Cee Redonita for 2007. SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, Arizona
CRACKIN HANNAHO - Outstanding athlete with royal bloodlines by Master Illusion and out of a great cutting mare who was an own daughter of Nu Bar x daughter of Hollywood Gold. SOLD to Daryl Benton of Neveda City, California
PEPONITAS ILLUSION - 2003 AQHA Chestnut gelding - Here is a Master Illusion colt out of and own daughter of Peponita (3 world championships in cutting). Gorgeous head and neck. Granddams top and bottom to world champion running horses Pasamonte Paul and Double Bid. World class cutting and reining prospect. Price drastically reduced so he can get in training soon! SOLD
CONEJOS NINA - Buckskin AQHA mare 15.2h - This is a big beautiful mare that has produced well for us. She is sound for breeding and sells bred (additional stud fee) or open. Has had 2 gorgeous foals the last 2 years. Peppy San, Poco Conejo breeding. SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, AZ in foal to Master Illusion.
MASTER PEPONITA - Red roan colt by Cee Redonita and out of a Master Illusion daughter. Beautiful, color, conformation and breeding. This colt is offered for sale, first here and won`t last long at the ranch once he`s weaned. A reining or cutting natural. SOLD to John and Bonnie Herron of Chino Valley, Arizona.
MISS BROADWAY TIVIO - 2000 Bay Filly - This filly has everything looks, strength, athletic ability, bloodlines and "cow". This filly will win BIG money as a cutter and produce later as a broodmare. As good a prospect as any we`ve raised. SOLD to Kelly Nowlin of Stanfield, AZ.
Located in scenic Red Bluff, California, our area is a Mecca for working stock horses roping, reining and cutting horses that earn their living working ranches and in the show ring. It takes the right kind of horse, and we raise "the right kind". Our friends like them. I should call them customers but so far they`ve all become friends (that`s one of the benefits of raising good horses!)
We enjoy our friends, our ranch, and our horses. We also enjoy the work it takes for all of them; including some of our friends! So if you`re ever in the area come and visit. We would love to meet you and show off our horses.
Spring Hill Ranch & Spur G Quarter Horses 20300 Cutters Way - Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone: (530) 528-2020 - E-mail: SpringHillRanch@yahoo.com
MASTER ILLUSION - 1991 Bay Quarter Horse Stallion
Spring Hill Ranch and SpurG Quarter Horses would like to introduce our premier stallion, Master Illusion. He is a dark mahogany bay with black legs and tips, four white stockings and striped hooves, a star strip and snip. He has a thick, long mane and tail, and thin skin coat He`s perfect for the show ring. His conformation is flawless. He`s heavily muscled with tremendous hind quarters lots of bone and great feet. They`re big enough to hold up his 15/2 1250 lbs. frame. His head is beautiful with tiny fox ears, big nostrils, and large soft eyes.
This is not a cow "pony", it is a "cow horse" in every sense of the word. Don`t worry about his size; he`ll drag your stirrups in the dirt when he`s cutting (just like the little guys) and sting you with authority! He won`t give an inch to a bovine. Then shake out a loop and go rope that steer because he can jerk a freight train and get you there pronto.

This horse is an athlete, and being so moves with a kind of grace. Spin him like a top or float him along a rail. He`ll almost trot in place with a natural low head set. He does it all with ease. The best part is he`ll work-daylight to dark and be ready for more when you ask tomorrow.
Master Illusion is proving to be an outstanding sire; maybe the best looking son of Master Remedy, winner of $200,000 NCHA and producer of numerous World Champions in reining and cutting. Master Illusion foals are pretty, cowy, extremely smooth, athletic and easy to train. He is out an NCHA money earning dam with the blood lines of Major King, Sugar Bars and World Champion race horse, Pasamonte Paul. He is sought after not only by professional cutters and reiners for his inherent abilities at those sports but by professional calf and team ropers who are breeding their top competition mares to Master Illusion. They like his speed, his bone and his cow. Same with the barrel racers, looking to put a little "MIND" with the speed.
Horses that are worked this hard have to have great conformation and bone in order to survive the stress of competition without breaking down, and the mind to enjoy the work. Master Illusions disposition passes on to his foals, who have shown to be quiet, calm and trainable. I know a retired reiner who wanted to "put some miles" on his granddaughters new Master Illusion filly. He liked her so much he BORROWED her and went back into competition. With Master Illusions` bloodlines it`s no wonder! After watching Master Illusion work and cut, ranchers who really work their spreads have bred their whole broodmare bands to him. They`re still coming back, year after year. We are breeding to top cutting mares across America and soon to Europe and Asia. You`ll be reading about them!
CUTTIN TUCK - 1983 Sorrel Quarter Horse Stallion
Cuttin Tuck is proving to be a great cross on our Master Illusion daughters, that are aimed at the show ring. He is a petite horse but absolutely correct. He has a gorgeous head, wide large eyes, narrow muzzle with large flaring nostrils, tiny fox ears and beautiful throat latch. He has as perfect a head as I`ve seen.

"Tucker" turns around with incredible speed. When he turns back he looks like he`s turning inside out! He is a bright red sorrel, foaled in 1983, with a perfect diamond on his forehead. He`s fine boned at 14.2 hands, though his foals have all been at least 15 hands. Most people mistake him for a two-year-old by his looks and attitude. His looks and athletic ability come naturally through his blood lines, which are the legendary who`s-who of the Quarter Horse industry.
His sire Mr T Tucker was a NRCHA-COA NRCHA-Superior NCHA-money earner by Doc Tom Tucker. Doc Tom Tucker is in the Working Cowhorse Hall Of Fame and a leading sire of cutting and reined cowhorse money earners and is also a leading brood mare sire of reining and reined cowhorse money earners. He has produced 71 ROMs show, 8 superiors, 8 World Champions, 5 COAs NRHA and a NRCHA SBF Champion.
His dam by Reed Cheyenne, 2 Grands , 3 Reserves, World Champion producer, 21 ROM and 4 superiors out of an own daughter of CUTTER BILL NCHA World Champion, AQHA Champion, producer of SBF World Champion.
He has the blood line, looks, conformation and athletic ability to improve all your horses. He`ll definitely cleanup a common head and put some quickness in their moves. Please see the Fees & Shipping page to purchase a breeding by this stallion.

Cee Redonita is a line bred Peppy San stallion. He is a perfectly colored bay roan, from black points and legs to a deep purplish red body. His silver-tipped hair turns him a gun metal silver in the summer. You are immediately struck by his look of balance and power. This is a thick heavily muscled athlete that is quick and strong. He doesn`t look like a tank, he looks like a linebacker. He can move! He has a thin hair coat and long, thick, black mane and tail.

Cee Redonita is by a son of Hall of Fame and World Champion, Peppy San. He is out of an own daughter of Hall of Fame, Peponita, who won 4 World Championships in cutting. Both these sires are World Champion producers. Also Cee Redonitas` dam goes back to Double bid, World Champion Running Horse.
Cee Redonita has shown that he throws consistent foals with big hips, pretty heads and large soft eyes. He, so far, has thrown all roans with good bone and great conformations. This is the perfect cross on your Doc Bar mares. He has been for ours.

Spring Hill Ranches - Broodmares
We`ve spent years selecting the mares for our ranch. We do not necessarily look for the most advertised or most shown horses, but for mares that have the look, conformation and natural abilities needed to produce athletes. These mares were then culled to ones that niched with our stallions and produced the kind of offspring we were looking for; and the kind we think you are looking for. Naturally, many of our mares are from famous bloodlines which are known to pass on their genetic abilities.
We own daughters of :
POCO TIVIO (yes she`s old, but still producing ) out of a daughter by STAR DUSTER out of a daughter of KING 234;
JIGGY BAR, world champion producing son of THREE BARS out of the famous PIGGY WIGGY by PIGGIN STRING x on a grand daughter of GOLD KING BAILEY and COLORADO ROBIN;
NU BAR x on a daughter of HOLLYWOOD GOLD;
NU CASH, world champion cutter by COLONEL FRECKLES x on a mare who goes back to SILVER KING and HOLLYWOOD GOLD;
CHICKALEJOS champion son of DO DO CHICK by TONTO BARS HANK x on a line bred SILVER KING mare;
DOC N WILLY world champion cutter x on WATONGA BLUE and POCO MINOSO;

Quarter Horse Breeding
You can spend the money, study the blood lines, and read the magazines, but the proof is in the foals when it comes to breeding. No matter how much a stallion is promoted, if he`s not producing quality foals then he`ll make a really nice gelding. We have bred for natural athletes with good looks and bone the kind of horse that when you`re sitting on him all day and tired, you can look down and just be glad you`re a cowboy. When you ride up next to your friends and they look over your horse, you kind of swell up with pride. And when the day is long but there are still cattle to sort, you can sigh with relief knowing he`ll be doing all the work.We have explained the kind of mares we breed, the kind of stallions we have, and now you judge the foals. We`d like to take credit for the great niches we`ve found, but the fact is: God picks them and we just get to raise them. Our breeding program has been 100% successful thus far with our customers, both shipping and live coverage. We work with very experienced veterinarians and collection services to help accomplish this. We have extended our live foal guarantee as far as 6 weeks for customers who have had tragedies at home...(we really do want you to have one of our horses!) From beginning to end we are as excited as you, about your foal and will try hard to make your breeding experience as easy as possible both emotionally and financially. Here at the ranch your mare will be treated as well as ours.
Paints? Master Illusion has produced color with dozens of different mares. The patterns are close or better then the mares. He actually has thrown all color with the exception of one time ( a sorrel w/ 4 white stockings and a blaze)....and we owned the mare! We bred her back to Master Illusion and sold her. At 3:30 a.m. we received a phone call announcing the arrival of the black and white filly at the bottom of the screen. Guess we weren`t destined to raise paints.
Quarter Horses For Sale
We offer quality performance quarter horses for sale of all ages and stages of training. These horses are from proven mares, and are the kind that can go all the way to the top of their class (or we won`t offer them here)! We`ll give you our honest opinion of the events at which the horse should excel because if you do well, we do well. We get to watch them from the time they`re born and have a feel for what they can do.We have quality broodmares for sale open or in foal to one of our stallions. We don`t like to negotiate prices because we price them fair and low. Ask about our prices on quarter horse foals!
MASTER ESPECIAL - Gorgeous bright sorrel colt by Master Illusion. Outstanding stallion and futurity prospect. This colt has it all and will excel in reining or cutting. Beautiful mover and blood line. $6,500
NU SUNDAY REMEDY - 2004 bay filly by Master Illusion, out of a own daughter of Nu Bar. This pretty filly has it all: temperament, bone and conformation. Ready to start cutting training. SOLD to Wayne Minton of Red Bluff, California
2006 BUCKSKIN COLT - 2006 weanling buckskin colt by Cee Redonita, out of Conejos Nina (1/2 sister to stallion). A line-bred Peppy San stallion prospect with great color, breeding and conformation. (Photo at 1 week) SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, Arizona
NU CASH REMEDY - 2001 black mare. 3 in 1 package. This mare is by Master Illusion, out of an own daughter of World Champion Nu Cash. Her weanling filly is by Cuttin Tuck and she is bred back to Cee Redonita for 2007. SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, Arizona
CRACKIN HANNAHO - Outstanding athlete with royal bloodlines by Master Illusion and out of a great cutting mare who was an own daughter of Nu Bar x daughter of Hollywood Gold. SOLD to Daryl Benton of Neveda City, California
PEPONITAS ILLUSION - 2003 AQHA Chestnut gelding - Here is a Master Illusion colt out of and own daughter of Peponita (3 world championships in cutting). Gorgeous head and neck. Granddams top and bottom to world champion running horses Pasamonte Paul and Double Bid. World class cutting and reining prospect. Price drastically reduced so he can get in training soon! SOLD
CONEJOS NINA - Buckskin AQHA mare 15.2h - This is a big beautiful mare that has produced well for us. She is sound for breeding and sells bred (additional stud fee) or open. Has had 2 gorgeous foals the last 2 years. Peppy San, Poco Conejo breeding. SOLD to Dennis Nowlin Jr. of Stanfield, AZ in foal to Master Illusion.
MASTER PEPONITA - Red roan colt by Cee Redonita and out of a Master Illusion daughter. Beautiful, color, conformation and breeding. This colt is offered for sale, first here and won`t last long at the ranch once he`s weaned. A reining or cutting natural. SOLD to John and Bonnie Herron of Chino Valley, Arizona.
MISS BROADWAY TIVIO - 2000 Bay Filly - This filly has everything looks, strength, athletic ability, bloodlines and "cow". This filly will win BIG money as a cutter and produce later as a broodmare. As good a prospect as any we`ve raised. SOLD to Kelly Nowlin of Stanfield, AZ.