Tiniest Dwarf Horse Learns to Walk With The Help From Doggy Friend
When this tiny dwarf horse Chanel was first born she found walking difficult, but she had some help from her poochie friend a golden Labrador named Huckleberry. She was very wobbly and struggled to keep her balance. Huckleberry would follow Chanel round and nudge and guide her helping her keep her balance
Huckleberry became a big brother to Chanel. When she was born Chanel was rejected from her mother so she came to live with Jenn Stribl at the The Peeps Foundation and become part of the family. she was hand raised, being fed every two hours and it was touch and go, but she grew stronger and stronger and now plays with Huckleberry as if she herself was a dog.
Please share the story of Chanel and Huckleberry with your friends.