Team 1 Habighorst Bordenau
Team 1 Habighorst Bordenau is a horse vaulting gymnast team from Germany, as one of the worlds top teams they give a fantistic display and have an impressive record, below you can watch a fab display from Team 1 Habighorst Bordenau horse vaulting team.
Foaling season is over for season 2011. Weston Park Hannah produced a lovely bay filly that we will be retaining as a future broodmare.
Our first cob foal was born to Burrowa Rapsody in Black. Winny is a lovely black filly. She looks like a giant next to the section B filly but we are really pleased with her and the job first timer Inky is doing.
Bellbrae Jorja was purchased by Mardi Jennings in SA. Jorja produced a lovely tall colt by Winddale Merwyn. Looking forward to seeing this boy mature.
We took our 2yo gelding Conway Park Maharbi to the Victorian All Welsh in December. What a little star he was. Perfectly behaved both in the ring and out. Cannot fault his temperament.
All the babies have been sold this season. Bellbrae Jorja and her weanling gelding travelling soon to SA to join Conway Park Jordie and Manda. Manda has now a family unit with mother and two of her sons.
Conway Park Maverick and Conway Park Graceful will be going soon to join Conway Park Magician and Conway Park Jasper with Shanelle and her family in Ballan. Young Madison has been riding the newly broken Magician and Shanelle reports he is going wonderfully especially with his young rider on board. Can`t wait to see them out and about. I told Shanelle when she first came out to see Magician that it is hard to stop at one....

Foaling season is over for season 2011. Weston Park Hannah produced a lovely bay filly that we will be retaining as a future broodmare.
Our first cob foal was born to Burrowa Rapsody in Black. Winny is a lovely black filly. She looks like a giant next to the section B filly but we are really pleased with her and the job first timer Inky is doing.
Bellbrae Jorja was purchased by Mardi Jennings in SA. Jorja produced a lovely tall colt by Winddale Merwyn. Looking forward to seeing this boy mature.
We took our 2yo gelding Conway Park Maharbi to the Victorian All Welsh in December. What a little star he was. Perfectly behaved both in the ring and out. Cannot fault his temperament.
All the babies have been sold this season. Bellbrae Jorja and her weanling gelding travelling soon to SA to join Conway Park Jordie and Manda. Manda has now a family unit with mother and two of her sons.
Conway Park Maverick and Conway Park Graceful will be going soon to join Conway Park Magician and Conway Park Jasper with Shanelle and her family in Ballan. Young Madison has been riding the newly broken Magician and Shanelle reports he is going wonderfully especially with his young rider on board. Can`t wait to see them out and about. I told Shanelle when she first came out to see Magician that it is hard to stop at one....