Orphaned Foal Comforted By Rescue Dog After Sad Loss Of His Mother
Orphaned Foal Comforted By Rescue Dog After Sad Loss Of His Mother
The arrival of a new foal is usually a happy occasion but when Karla Swindle of S & K Quarter Horses suffered tragedy when losing the mother a few days after the birth, Karla was left is the unenvious position of rearing an orphaned foal. Raising an orphaned foal is a daunting task and will take around the clock love and care to rear the foal, but Karla was not alone and her rescue dog Zip stepped up to help.
The mother Sandy gave birth without any major issues and recovered from foaling relatively quickly, but after a couple of days Sandy was showing sign of illness, and her health deteriorated quickly and after calling out the vet Karla had to make the heart-breaking decision to euthanize the mare. On the night Sandy was put to sleep, Karla was surprised to see Zip stepped in to comfort the new arrival on his sad loss.
Zip seemed to understand the sad loss and laid down next to the new foal, licking and nudging the foals face offering companionship, not leaving the foals side. Karla had to bottle feed the foal every few hours but Zip would ensure the young colt was not alone and would stay by his side. Below you can see some truly heart-warming video footage of Zip and new foal.
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