Horses From Legend

Ghost Horses - Horse Ghosts and Demons

Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there are many reported cases of animal ghost sightings every day across the country and the world. Some are famous, some not so much so, some of them seem to do no harm and maybe some of them linger because they`re a bit evil. Should we delve in and find out?

Pony Express

We all know what the Pony Express was, but it hasn`t been used for nearly 200 years now, however, at the Hollenberg Station in Kansas people still report hearing the sounds of horses galloping by even though there`s nothing there. Spooky? Definitely.
pony express

War Horses

This is a popular one that many people claim to see. People say these appear at significant places where battles were fought in previous wars, usually a long time ago when horses were still used prominently during the fighting aspect.

The most popular place to see ghost horses is Gettysburg, where there have been multiple sightings of horses (with or without riders) disappearing into the mist who don`t appear ever again, leading people to believe they`re the ghosts of horses who either passed in the battle or are going back to find peace another way. Who knows, but they seem harmless enough.


In Hindu mythology, Keshi is a horse demon. The legend has it that an evil king was destined to be killed an in an attempt to save his own life he calls on the demon of Keshi to help him. Keshi comes to him in the form of a horse who 2gallops at the speed of thoughts" and his neigh is absolutely petrifying. Legend has it that because Keshi was split into two halves, and part of that, the horse demon, still roams seeking vengeance.
pony express


This story takes place in the Orkney Islands in Scotland. The story has it that a man named Andrew Elphinstone was a bit of a mean man, being too hard on his servants and a bit of a mean drunk. He was known to go galloping home from nights out at the pubs drinking and lashing his horse. One day he was found dead, his body scorched, and his horse a little ways away with its hair charred.

Legend has it that they were struck by lightning, the clothes burnt off Mr. Elphinstone and that`s why there`s a post nearby that`s splintered—the lightning. To this day, people still can hear the sounds of the horse galloping around that post trying to live through the lightning attack. If you`re in the Orkney Islands, you just might hear the sound of a desperate horse just wanting to find some peace.

Rumors about ghosts and demons will always be around, especially surrounding animal spirits.
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