CTR Super Sonic (Nitro) - Stunning Black Leopard Appaloosa Registered Stallion
CTR Super Sonic (Nitro) is a stunning black leopard registered stallion with some exceptional foundation lines in his pedigree. Nitro is registered with ApHC, ICAA, FAHR, FAA and AApA. He is CRHA and Sundance 500 eligible. Nitro placed 3rd in FPD Stallions at the ApHC World Show.
Nitro is a rare sporthorse type Appaloosa. He has a balanced frame with nice bone and correct angles. He measures 15.1h. He has wonderful, forward movement. He is bright, willing and gentle and has consistently passed these traits on to his offspring.
Nitro has a negative 5 panel and is homozygous black. Nitro`s foals have been sold to Europe (3 in total) and throughout the USA. His sire, RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain stands over 16.1h and was also exported to Europe. Nitro and his sire are proven producers with a great track record for producing beautiful and kind foals.
He follows in the footsteps of his sire and grand sire and is a worthy contribution to the Appaloosa gene pool as a stallion. He boasts some of the great foundation horses in his pedigree including: Solar Flair Eclat, Chubs Powderface, Simcoes Sarcee, Red Eagle, Morgans Leopard, Navajos Candy, Bambi E, Ben Buzz, Tobys I, II, III, & IV, Chief of Fourmile, Ti Kha Atta Rain, My Silver Eagle, Joker B, Chief Malheur, Freels Chico, Sundance 500 Coyotes Apache, Peppers Shamrock, Sun Powder Spirit, Simcoes Sarcee, Kaniksus Spots, Cedar Ridge Spot and more.
For more information contact Murder Hollow, call +1 215-272-6116 or email renee@murderhollow.com.

Nitro has a negative 5 panel and is homozygous black. Nitro`s foals have been sold to Europe (3 in total) and throughout the USA. His sire, RDF Ti Kha Atta Rain stands over 16.1h and was also exported to Europe. Nitro and his sire are proven producers with a great track record for producing beautiful and kind foals.

For more information contact Murder Hollow, call +1 215-272-6116 or email renee@murderhollow.com.