Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Akhal-Teke For Sale Europe
Stable Express provides this directory as a service to Akhal-Teke enthusiasts worldwide. However, we are unable to recommend or endorse any individual breeder. Those shopping for an Akhal-Teke or for breeding services are cautioned to use their own judgment when contracting with any horse breeder.
The Akhal-Teke is one of the oldest and purest breeds of horse left in the world today, a living piece of history. Traceable for the past three thousand years, the breed has proven that its unique qualities can not only survive the harshest of conditions, but thrive on them. Many great leaders, including Ghengis Khan and Darius, King of Persia, chose them for their mounts on the conquests; many great historians call them priceless and "possessing the last drop of that valuable blood from which all the breeds of well-bred horses have been developed." They have contributed their genes and beauty to numerous light horse breeds present today and are finally experiencing enough growth to ensure their survival for future generations to cherish.
Gindarkh 13, 1984 Golden Dun Stallion (Gaukhar 4 x Takappara 2), Gelishikili line, born Lugovsky Stud Farm, Kazakhstan.
Holding the highest grading level of Elite, given by the International Association of Horse Breeding in Ryazan, Russia, Gindarkh is an excellent example of type combined with classic bloodlines. He received grading points of 8.0 for pedigree, 7.9 for type, and 8.0 for conformation. His sire, Gaukhar 4, was a very successful racehorse and sire of the Gelishikili line, while his dam, Takappara 2, of the Arab line, was the best daughter of the famous stallion Absent. Both lines are noted for their sport ability, and this line cross is called "the Golden Cross".
Gindarkh travelled the world for much of his life, first with the Mongolian State Circus, then with the Ringling Brothers Circus. The stamina, intelligence and tolerance necessary for this difficult and unnatural lifestyle are evident in his good-natured disposition and friendly attitude. Unfortunately, by the time he came to us, the stress and pounding of many hard years had taken their toll, and so he was retired to stud immediately, forgoing the reschooling and competitive career we wish he could have had. His beautiful elegant movement, with natural collection, would make his grandsire Absent proud, and his love of jumping even shadows on the ground brings to mind his ancestor Arab of show-jumping fame. He is balanced, light and fast, and his presence is breathtaking. Gindarkh is currently enjoying his retired life as King of the Stable, and makes guest appearances at equine expositions for breed promotion.
His foals show his wonderful attitude and lovely movement with great toplines and plenty of bone, he especially passes on his front end, head and neck carriage. Their trainability and intelligence make them a pleasure to work with. They look forward to work and learn incredibly fast with natural athletic ablilty and balance. We expect great things from them. In addition, all of his foals so far exhibit some to all of his metallic coat color and he throws a great deal of chrome, face and legs. He carries the sabino gene and is heterozygous bay-based with a heterozygous dilution gene, enabling him to throw a great deal of color variance. Senetir, 1976 purebred buckskin stallion, Sektor x Altyn, Peren-line. Our flagship stallion, he gave the breed it`s excellent start in the U.S, passing along to his offspring the combination of striking type, athletic ability, soundness and good health. His sons and daughters are known as both remarkable athletes and are some of our best breeding stock; we are now offering the chance to outside breeders to utilize this limited treasure. Senetir is one of the few Peren-line stallions left who does not pass through the fork of Polotli, thus a rare and very important bloodline. Stud fee: $1500 USD.
Sengar, 1985 purebred golden buckskin, Senetir x Oliva, Peren line, born The Akhal-Teke Stud, Virginia, USA. Sengar is, to date, the best purebred Akhal-Teke competitor produced in the U.S. He competed successfully at the Advanced Level of Three-Day eventing at the top competitions in the country, including the Fair Hill and Rolex CCIs***, and in 1996 was long-listed for the Atlanta Olympic Games with rider Craig Thompson before being retired due to injury.
Sengar is a son of Senetir, the first A-T imported into the US, out of Oliva, a granddaughter of the Olympic champion Absent. Senetir sired many outstanding athletes, especially in the field of eventing. Sengar`s full brother Svengali was chosen in 1999 to be the first A-T imported to Australia.
Sengar is an outstanding athlete, his movement is free and forward, his jump powerful and easy, with a truly remarkable gallop stride. His type is excellent, his temperament is exceptional, and his conformation sturdy yet refined.
Sengar is an excellent choice to improve athleticism and temperament. He stands in 2005 for a stud fee of $1100, live cover or A.I.
Mergen, 1990 golden bay stallion, Meidanli x Grenada, Sere line, born Lugovsky Stud Farm, Kazakhstan, graded elite by MAAK 1999.
Born at the now-extinct Russian stud farm Lugovsky, home of many breed and sport champions, Mergen`s journey to the US took him first through France, at the stud farm Acot-Teke, where he produced many beautiful offspring over several years. He arrived in the US in May of 2004 and stood his first breeding season here at The Akhal-Teke Stud after completion of his quarantine period. Mergen is the first stallion we have added to our breeding program in 13 years, his combination of pedigree, conformation, type, and performance were what we have been searching for, we are confident he will add immeasurably to our herd.
A truly striking stallion, Mergen has the unmistakable true Akhal-Teke conformation; long thin neck, high withers, long legs and extremely dry head, set atop a lean, long body with a superb slanting croup. The color of his coat is incredibly metallic as well. His movement is ideal- gliding, elastic and free, with ground-covering strides and endless scope. His temperament is intelligent, alert, and aware, yet easy to handle and ride, his work ethic is outstanding.
Mergen is also an accomplished athlete, performing equally well in dressage, showjumping, and endurance, he will be continuing his competition career here in the US, please check back for updates on his schedule and results.
Doblet, 1987 purebred metallic chestnut, Senetir x Dunja, Peren line, born The Akhal-Teke Stud, USA
Doblet is a remarkably elegant and refined stallion, standing 16 hands with a lovely long neck and legs. He is the #4-ranked purebred stallion in the US, and was recommended by Dr. Tatyana Ryabova of MAAK to improve type on plain mares. He is also the only purebred chestnut stallion standing in the US, insuring no double dilute offspring even out of light-colored mares.
Doblet was sired by Senetir, who in 1999 was ranked by MAAK as #2 out of 480 stallions in terms of improving type, a trait he has now passed on to his son. This placing is especially significant as it encompasses many generations of purebred A-T stallions.
Doblet is a very sweet-tempered stallion, he is kind and gentle, as are his offspring. His movement is incredible- elegant, powerful, yet gliding, he is an exceptionally comfortable ride, particularly well-suited for dressage or endurance. He is ridable and handleable by anyone.
Doblet is a wonderful choice to improve movement and add refinement and type. He has one foal due in 2005 and stands for a stud fee of $1100, live foal or A.I.
Marakan, 1989 purebred metallic bay stallion, Melechan x Marishka, Gelishikli line.
Marakan is a son of Melechan, who was himself a son of the stallion Melgun, a grandson of Gelishikli who stood at stud in Germany. From these illustrious ancestors he inherited gorgeous, ground-covering gaits and plenty of type. Marakan is the #6 ranked purebred A-T stallion in the US, with scores of 7.7 for type and 8.0 for conformation, and was ranked in a Russian list of A-T stallions who improve their offspring as #8 out of 431 stallions, placing significantly higher than both his sire and his half-brother Astrakhan, who is the #1 ranked US sire. These figures represent breeding results from stallions of the entire Akhal-Teke population spanning a number of decades.
Marakan was shown in dressage lightly and shows excellent form over fences as well. Currently he is our "test-drive Teke", he introduces visitors and first-time Teke riders to the incredibly smooth and comfortable gaits of the purebreds. He is the sire of our up-and-coming dressage competitor Karakan. Marakan only has a small number of offspring on the ground, but so far has passed along his metallic coat, movement, good conformation, and easy-going temperament, he can be handled and ridden by anyone. We expect him to make a big contribution to the Akhal-Teke genepool here in the US. He will be standing on 2004 for a stud fee of $800, with an in-foal guarantee.
Koublet, 1996 palomino stallion, Peren line, Doblet x Kushka.
The largest of our purebreds, Koublet is our gentle giant, standing almost 16.2 hh. He is sired by our lovely stallion Doblet, inheriting his sweet temperment and gorgeous movement, and out of our foundation broodmare Kushka, who passed along her sensational color and metallic shine.
With his impressive self-carriage, unflappable temperament and charismatic demeanor, he will be aimed for the dressage show ring under the professional hand of Bent Jensen, Danish Olympic rider. Bred very lightly to TB mares, he passes his lovely head and excellent conformation to his foals. 2005 stud fee $900, A.I only.
Goblet, 1997 light palomino stallion, Peren line, Doblet x Gavan.
This charming and flashy stallion is indeed his father`s son, inheriting the same light, elegant gaits and presence we so desire. In addition, he carries the blood of the Olympic champion Absent through his dam`s side and we expect him to make his own impact in the dressage ring in the Fall of 2004. With grading points of 7.6 on type and 8.0 for conformation, he is the 9th-ranked stallion in the US. Not available for outside stud service at this time, but watch for him in the show ring.
Melekush USA, 1983 7/8 silver buckskin stallion, Melekush 904 x Galka, Kir Sakar line. Bred in Russia and imported in utero, this stallion exhibits extreme type in spite of his partbred status, and is the only male representative of this bloodline in the US, noted for it`s stamina and endurance. His incredibly slinky, smooth movement, narrow body frame, and hooded eyes pass along to his offspring, as well as his laid-back and gentle temperament. He is an excellent cross onto heavier mares of other breeds for a perfect partbred. Stud fee: $500 USD.
Elevage A`Tekinska, Evelyne Giobellina, Chemin de la Cabuse 3, CH 1073 Savigny, +41 21 781 35 10 (Phone), +41 21 781 35 11 (Fax)
Stud de Shamborant, Leonid Babaev, +7 095-476 11 85(Phone), +7 095-476 11 85 (Fax), https://www.shael-teke.ru
Classic Arabians and Akhal-Tekes, Urte L. Kern, Lahnstrasse 42, 35606 Solms, Germany, Phone: 0049-(0)6442-240-600, Fax: 0049-(0)6442-240-601, Mobile: 0049-(0)177-2422923, classic@arabians.de, https://www.akhal-teke.de, https://www.arabians.de, Lines bred: Peren, El and Gelishikli
Lines bred: Peren, Sapar Khan
Zariaspa Farm, Anne Skarzenski, Box 46 Brennan`s Hill QC JOX 2CO, Canada, 819.422.3706, anneanne@magi.com
Bill and Toni Nelson, IRUS Stables, 401 West 750 North, Lebanon, IN 46052, 765.325.2388 (phone), 765.325.2052 (fax), horesepower@iquest.net
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Kaplan. Disciplines: dressage and show jumping
Jas Shearer-McMahon, Magic Valley Akhal-Tekes, P.O. Box 114, Livermore, CO 80536, 970.493.1773 (phone), jaslivco@aol.com, www.magicvalleyakhal-tekes.info
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Gelishikli, Disciplines: endurance
Lora Floen, Noble Tribe Akhal-Tekes, Norco, California, floendesign@earthlink.net, Purebred Akhal-Tekes from the lines Gelishikli, El
Ots Sunrise Farm, 2455 Shirley Road, DePere, WI 54115, 920.337.6321 (phone), 920.680.2260 (fax), info@otssunrisefarm.com
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the lines Ak Sakal, Gelishikli and Peren., Disciplines: dressage, jumping and eventing
Dr. Tito Pontecorvo, P.O. Box 276, Nixon, TX 78140-0276, 830.582.1061 (phone and fax)
Purebred Akhal-Tekes from the lines of Gelishikli, Ak Sakal, Karlavach, Kaplan,Sere, Sovkhoz-2, and Fakirpelvan. Disciplines: dressage and jumping
River Ranch Montana, Jason Haffley, 511 Highway 93 South, Hamilton, MT 59840, 406.363.6116 (Phone) 406.363.6383 (Fax), info@riverranchmontana.com
Allegra Steck, The Akhal-Teke Stud, 295 Anderson School Lane, Staunton, VA24401, 540.886.0504 (phone), allegra@akhalstud.com
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the lines of Gelishikli, Peren and Arab. Disciplines: dressage, jumping and eventing
Terri Fender, Shah`zadeh Akhal-Tekes, LLC, 21927 County Road 1, Osakis, MN 56360, 612.366.5593 (phone), tteke@connections-etc.net
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line El. Disciplines: dressage, English and western pleasure
Erika Walsh, Walsh River Farm, 708.612.3647 (phone), 312.632.1720 (fax), erika@walshriver.com
Pur and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Gelishikli. Disciplines: dressage

Gindarkh 13, 1984 Golden Dun Stallion (Gaukhar 4 x Takappara 2), Gelishikili line, born Lugovsky Stud Farm, Kazakhstan.
Holding the highest grading level of Elite, given by the International Association of Horse Breeding in Ryazan, Russia, Gindarkh is an excellent example of type combined with classic bloodlines. He received grading points of 8.0 for pedigree, 7.9 for type, and 8.0 for conformation. His sire, Gaukhar 4, was a very successful racehorse and sire of the Gelishikili line, while his dam, Takappara 2, of the Arab line, was the best daughter of the famous stallion Absent. Both lines are noted for their sport ability, and this line cross is called "the Golden Cross".
Gindarkh travelled the world for much of his life, first with the Mongolian State Circus, then with the Ringling Brothers Circus. The stamina, intelligence and tolerance necessary for this difficult and unnatural lifestyle are evident in his good-natured disposition and friendly attitude. Unfortunately, by the time he came to us, the stress and pounding of many hard years had taken their toll, and so he was retired to stud immediately, forgoing the reschooling and competitive career we wish he could have had. His beautiful elegant movement, with natural collection, would make his grandsire Absent proud, and his love of jumping even shadows on the ground brings to mind his ancestor Arab of show-jumping fame. He is balanced, light and fast, and his presence is breathtaking. Gindarkh is currently enjoying his retired life as King of the Stable, and makes guest appearances at equine expositions for breed promotion.
His foals show his wonderful attitude and lovely movement with great toplines and plenty of bone, he especially passes on his front end, head and neck carriage. Their trainability and intelligence make them a pleasure to work with. They look forward to work and learn incredibly fast with natural athletic ablilty and balance. We expect great things from them. In addition, all of his foals so far exhibit some to all of his metallic coat color and he throws a great deal of chrome, face and legs. He carries the sabino gene and is heterozygous bay-based with a heterozygous dilution gene, enabling him to throw a great deal of color variance. Senetir, 1976 purebred buckskin stallion, Sektor x Altyn, Peren-line. Our flagship stallion, he gave the breed it`s excellent start in the U.S, passing along to his offspring the combination of striking type, athletic ability, soundness and good health. His sons and daughters are known as both remarkable athletes and are some of our best breeding stock; we are now offering the chance to outside breeders to utilize this limited treasure. Senetir is one of the few Peren-line stallions left who does not pass through the fork of Polotli, thus a rare and very important bloodline. Stud fee: $1500 USD.

Sengar, 1985 purebred golden buckskin, Senetir x Oliva, Peren line, born The Akhal-Teke Stud, Virginia, USA. Sengar is, to date, the best purebred Akhal-Teke competitor produced in the U.S. He competed successfully at the Advanced Level of Three-Day eventing at the top competitions in the country, including the Fair Hill and Rolex CCIs***, and in 1996 was long-listed for the Atlanta Olympic Games with rider Craig Thompson before being retired due to injury.
Sengar is a son of Senetir, the first A-T imported into the US, out of Oliva, a granddaughter of the Olympic champion Absent. Senetir sired many outstanding athletes, especially in the field of eventing. Sengar`s full brother Svengali was chosen in 1999 to be the first A-T imported to Australia.
Sengar is an outstanding athlete, his movement is free and forward, his jump powerful and easy, with a truly remarkable gallop stride. His type is excellent, his temperament is exceptional, and his conformation sturdy yet refined.
Sengar is an excellent choice to improve athleticism and temperament. He stands in 2005 for a stud fee of $1100, live cover or A.I.
Mergen, 1990 golden bay stallion, Meidanli x Grenada, Sere line, born Lugovsky Stud Farm, Kazakhstan, graded elite by MAAK 1999.
Born at the now-extinct Russian stud farm Lugovsky, home of many breed and sport champions, Mergen`s journey to the US took him first through France, at the stud farm Acot-Teke, where he produced many beautiful offspring over several years. He arrived in the US in May of 2004 and stood his first breeding season here at The Akhal-Teke Stud after completion of his quarantine period. Mergen is the first stallion we have added to our breeding program in 13 years, his combination of pedigree, conformation, type, and performance were what we have been searching for, we are confident he will add immeasurably to our herd.
A truly striking stallion, Mergen has the unmistakable true Akhal-Teke conformation; long thin neck, high withers, long legs and extremely dry head, set atop a lean, long body with a superb slanting croup. The color of his coat is incredibly metallic as well. His movement is ideal- gliding, elastic and free, with ground-covering strides and endless scope. His temperament is intelligent, alert, and aware, yet easy to handle and ride, his work ethic is outstanding.
Mergen is also an accomplished athlete, performing equally well in dressage, showjumping, and endurance, he will be continuing his competition career here in the US, please check back for updates on his schedule and results.
Doblet, 1987 purebred metallic chestnut, Senetir x Dunja, Peren line, born The Akhal-Teke Stud, USA
Doblet is a remarkably elegant and refined stallion, standing 16 hands with a lovely long neck and legs. He is the #4-ranked purebred stallion in the US, and was recommended by Dr. Tatyana Ryabova of MAAK to improve type on plain mares. He is also the only purebred chestnut stallion standing in the US, insuring no double dilute offspring even out of light-colored mares.
Doblet was sired by Senetir, who in 1999 was ranked by MAAK as #2 out of 480 stallions in terms of improving type, a trait he has now passed on to his son. This placing is especially significant as it encompasses many generations of purebred A-T stallions.
Doblet is a very sweet-tempered stallion, he is kind and gentle, as are his offspring. His movement is incredible- elegant, powerful, yet gliding, he is an exceptionally comfortable ride, particularly well-suited for dressage or endurance. He is ridable and handleable by anyone.
Doblet is a wonderful choice to improve movement and add refinement and type. He has one foal due in 2005 and stands for a stud fee of $1100, live foal or A.I.
Marakan, 1989 purebred metallic bay stallion, Melechan x Marishka, Gelishikli line.
Marakan is a son of Melechan, who was himself a son of the stallion Melgun, a grandson of Gelishikli who stood at stud in Germany. From these illustrious ancestors he inherited gorgeous, ground-covering gaits and plenty of type. Marakan is the #6 ranked purebred A-T stallion in the US, with scores of 7.7 for type and 8.0 for conformation, and was ranked in a Russian list of A-T stallions who improve their offspring as #8 out of 431 stallions, placing significantly higher than both his sire and his half-brother Astrakhan, who is the #1 ranked US sire. These figures represent breeding results from stallions of the entire Akhal-Teke population spanning a number of decades.
Marakan was shown in dressage lightly and shows excellent form over fences as well. Currently he is our "test-drive Teke", he introduces visitors and first-time Teke riders to the incredibly smooth and comfortable gaits of the purebreds. He is the sire of our up-and-coming dressage competitor Karakan. Marakan only has a small number of offspring on the ground, but so far has passed along his metallic coat, movement, good conformation, and easy-going temperament, he can be handled and ridden by anyone. We expect him to make a big contribution to the Akhal-Teke genepool here in the US. He will be standing on 2004 for a stud fee of $800, with an in-foal guarantee.
Koublet, 1996 palomino stallion, Peren line, Doblet x Kushka.
The largest of our purebreds, Koublet is our gentle giant, standing almost 16.2 hh. He is sired by our lovely stallion Doblet, inheriting his sweet temperment and gorgeous movement, and out of our foundation broodmare Kushka, who passed along her sensational color and metallic shine.
With his impressive self-carriage, unflappable temperament and charismatic demeanor, he will be aimed for the dressage show ring under the professional hand of Bent Jensen, Danish Olympic rider. Bred very lightly to TB mares, he passes his lovely head and excellent conformation to his foals. 2005 stud fee $900, A.I only.
Goblet, 1997 light palomino stallion, Peren line, Doblet x Gavan.
This charming and flashy stallion is indeed his father`s son, inheriting the same light, elegant gaits and presence we so desire. In addition, he carries the blood of the Olympic champion Absent through his dam`s side and we expect him to make his own impact in the dressage ring in the Fall of 2004. With grading points of 7.6 on type and 8.0 for conformation, he is the 9th-ranked stallion in the US. Not available for outside stud service at this time, but watch for him in the show ring.
Melekush USA, 1983 7/8 silver buckskin stallion, Melekush 904 x Galka, Kir Sakar line. Bred in Russia and imported in utero, this stallion exhibits extreme type in spite of his partbred status, and is the only male representative of this bloodline in the US, noted for it`s stamina and endurance. His incredibly slinky, smooth movement, narrow body frame, and hooded eyes pass along to his offspring, as well as his laid-back and gentle temperament. He is an excellent cross onto heavier mares of other breeds for a perfect partbred. Stud fee: $500 USD.
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Switzerland
Divine Horses, Hans-Jürg Buss, Leimgrubenweg 5, CH-4102 Binningen, ++41 61 426 97 77 (Phone), ++41 79 302 55 33 (Mobile), ++41 61 426 97 79 (Fax), buss@buss.org, Lines bred: Gelishikli and El, Standing at Stud: Mazan, Sotschi and ElyakimElevage A`Tekinska, Evelyne Giobellina, Chemin de la Cabuse 3, CH 1073 Savigny, +41 21 781 35 10 (Phone), +41 21 781 35 11 (Fax)
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Sweden
Karakum Stud, Todd and Jessica Keith, Sandbyholm, Gränby, 740 30 Björklinge, (Uppsala), +46 18 35 59 48 (Phone) +46 18 35 59 48 (Fax), info@gln.se, https://www.karakumstud.com, Lines bred: Gelishikli, Arab, Sere and FakirpelvanAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Luxembourg
Akhal-Teke Stud van Kasteren, Michèle van Kasteren, Luxembourg and Belgium, 00352-021142841 (Phone), akhalteke@hotmail.com, Lines Bred: Gelishikli, Kaplan, Fakirpelvan, Karlavatch, El and PerenAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Russia
Stavropol, Alexander Klimuk, +7-6557-9-81-18 (Phone), https://www.akhal-teke.ru/stavropolStud de Shamborant, Leonid Babaev, +7 095-476 11 85(Phone), +7 095-476 11 85 (Fax), https://www.shael-teke.ru
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Italy
Akhal -Teke Italia, Mino and Sandra Denti, 25039 Travagliato (Brescia), TEL 030661061, FAX 0306863356, mindenti@tin.it, Lines bred: Gelishikli, Sapar Khan and ElAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - France
Acot-Teke, Natacha and Jean-Pierre Bues, Route de Rebeacq 64290 GAN, France, (Phone), (Fax), jpbues@club-internet.fr, Lines bred: Arab, Karlavatch, Gelishikli,, Sapar Khan, Kir Sakar, FakirpelvanAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Germany
Berolina Ranch, Ina, Bernd and Oliver Rossler, Außerhalb 6, 36369 Lautertal - Engelrod, FAX: 06645 / 8468, Telefon: 06645 / 1331, berolinaranch@aol.com, www.achal-tekkiner.comClassic Arabians and Akhal-Tekes, Urte L. Kern, Lahnstrasse 42, 35606 Solms, Germany, Phone: 0049-(0)6442-240-600, Fax: 0049-(0)6442-240-601, Mobile: 0049-(0)177-2422923, classic@arabians.de, https://www.akhal-teke.de, https://www.arabians.de, Lines bred: Peren, El and Gelishikli
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Australia
Rosemary Swift, Timbarra Valley, 137 Wirreanda Road, Ingleside N.S.W. 2010, Phone: 029.450.1052, Fax: 029.450.0640, akhaltekeaus@fast.net.auLines bred: Peren, Sapar Khan
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Austria
Andrea and Helmuth Rauter, Lindberg 40, A-8811 Scheifling, Phone: +43.3582.8248, Fax: +43.3582.8438, tekke@aon.at, Lines bred: GelishikliAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Belgium
Christian Rompen, Rue Philippe Piron, 4 B-4880 Aubel, Phone: +32.87686911, rompench@hotmail.com, Lines bred: PerenAkhal-Teke Horse Breeders - Canada
Bold Vantage Farm, Cynthia Swensen, Box 5551 High River, Alberta, Canada, TIV 1M6, 403.560.7503, swensenc@telus.net, Lines bred: GelishikliZariaspa Farm, Anne Skarzenski, Box 46 Brennan`s Hill QC JOX 2CO, Canada, 819.422.3706, anneanne@magi.com
Akhal-Teke Horse Breeders - USA
Jennifer Bristow, 1770 NE Beulah Drive, Roseburg, OR 97470, 541.680.6455 (phone) / jennifer@ulink.netBill and Toni Nelson, IRUS Stables, 401 West 750 North, Lebanon, IN 46052, 765.325.2388 (phone), 765.325.2052 (fax), horesepower@iquest.net
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Kaplan. Disciplines: dressage and show jumping
Jas Shearer-McMahon, Magic Valley Akhal-Tekes, P.O. Box 114, Livermore, CO 80536, 970.493.1773 (phone), jaslivco@aol.com, www.magicvalleyakhal-tekes.info
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Gelishikli, Disciplines: endurance
Lora Floen, Noble Tribe Akhal-Tekes, Norco, California, floendesign@earthlink.net, Purebred Akhal-Tekes from the lines Gelishikli, El
Ots Sunrise Farm, 2455 Shirley Road, DePere, WI 54115, 920.337.6321 (phone), 920.680.2260 (fax), info@otssunrisefarm.com
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the lines Ak Sakal, Gelishikli and Peren., Disciplines: dressage, jumping and eventing
Dr. Tito Pontecorvo, P.O. Box 276, Nixon, TX 78140-0276, 830.582.1061 (phone and fax)
Purebred Akhal-Tekes from the lines of Gelishikli, Ak Sakal, Karlavach, Kaplan,Sere, Sovkhoz-2, and Fakirpelvan. Disciplines: dressage and jumping
River Ranch Montana, Jason Haffley, 511 Highway 93 South, Hamilton, MT 59840, 406.363.6116 (Phone) 406.363.6383 (Fax), info@riverranchmontana.com
Allegra Steck, The Akhal-Teke Stud, 295 Anderson School Lane, Staunton, VA24401, 540.886.0504 (phone), allegra@akhalstud.com
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the lines of Gelishikli, Peren and Arab. Disciplines: dressage, jumping and eventing
Terri Fender, Shah`zadeh Akhal-Tekes, LLC, 21927 County Road 1, Osakis, MN 56360, 612.366.5593 (phone), tteke@connections-etc.net
Pure and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line El. Disciplines: dressage, English and western pleasure
Erika Walsh, Walsh River Farm, 708.612.3647 (phone), 312.632.1720 (fax), erika@walshriver.com
Pur and partbred Akhal-Tekes from the line Gelishikli. Disciplines: dressage