Clydesdale Horses Bring Love And Joy To Seniors In Nursing Home
Many of us have seen the miniature horses that visit hospitals and nursing homes as therapy horses, Chamberlin`s have decided to go big and provide Clydesdale horses, the gentle giants who have lots of love and joy to share with those that they visit.
One such horse is Neigh-Neigh a 13 year old Clydesdale who makes regular visits to local nursing homes and is a big hit with the residents.
Although Neigh-Neigh specialising in visiting nursing homes, she is well known for spreading her love to people of all ages, visiting hospitals and also taking part in Chamberlin`s, Ride a Clyde campaign, promoting the Clydesdale horse breed throughout the area.
Wherever Neigh-Neigh visits she lights up the entire place. Obviously some staff are a bit nervous about having such a big animal vising the centre, but Neigh-Neigh is a pro and is always perfectly mannered, and always brings a smile to anyone she meets.
On her first visit to a senior nursing home, Neigh was scheduled for a one hour visit, it was two and half hours before the visit was finished, such was the demand from the residents, with very few dry eyes from the staff and the visitors.
For more information contact Chamberlin Pony Rides, Telephone : +1 734-368-6582, Email :
One such horse is Neigh-Neigh a 13 year old Clydesdale who makes regular visits to local nursing homes and is a big hit with the residents.

Wherever Neigh-Neigh visits she lights up the entire place. Obviously some staff are a bit nervous about having such a big animal vising the centre, but Neigh-Neigh is a pro and is always perfectly mannered, and always brings a smile to anyone she meets.